Welcome! ​
Before the first day you must do these four things to be eligible:
1. Sign up for swim/dive on Family Access ID
2. Pay for your ASB (the participation fee will be due after cuts have been made)
3. Have a current sports physical (only good for two years)
4. Clear any fines you may have.
Link to Tahoma Athletics.
​What to bring on the first day!
Swimsuit (a competitive swimsuit)
Swim Cap and goggles
Water Bottle
Your own towel
You may want a kickboard, pull buoy, or fins.
The desire to work hard and excel!
​Girls Season: August 26, 2024 - November 16, 2024
Boys Season: November 18, 2024 - February 22, 2025
Perfect attendance, if possible. Only sickness, family and occasional academic reasons are valid excuses.
A commitment to Tahoma High School swim and dive. When you finish the season it is hoped that you walk through the halls proud of what you and your team accomplished. People who "get by" and don't commit rarely if ever are proud of what they have done. Some tough choices often need to be made and swimming shouldn't come after other things (dances, football games, jobs, sleeping in on Saturdays, etc.)
A good effort in all classes. You must be passing all classes or maintaining a 2.0. All members of the team should always receive positive comments from your teachers about your effort and attitude.
Swimmers will letter by scoring an average of 2 varsity points per dual meet or meet league standards in an event.
Divers will letter by qualifying for League.
Attitude and poor attendance may jeopardize an athlete's lettering privileges.
Other Information
All athletes must submit all required forms (including physical form) to Athletic Director Mike Hansen or Athletic Secretary Selyna Clayton at Tahoma High School prior to the beginning of the season. You are not allowed to participate until you have been given clearance.
All athletes (including 9th graders) need to clear for fall sports at the high school. Athletes in Grades 8-12 will use the TSD Online Athletic Participation Form to sign up for sports. All forms need to be submitted before the athlete can turn out. To sign up click here. ​
Note about physical forms: Physicals are good for two years. That means if you did not have a physical last year then you need to make an appointment!